《核技术(英文版)》(双月刊)(Nuclear Science and Techniques )创刊于1989年,邮发代码:4-647,由中国科学院上海应用物理研究所;中国核学会主办。上海市核学会协办都的综合性学术期刊。 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》旨在通过介绍国内外新核科技成果,反映当前中国核科学技术发展的动向和学术水平。主要方向为同步辐射技术及应用、低能加速器技术、射线技术及应用、核化学、放射化学、放射性药物和核医学、核电子学与仪器、核物理与交叉学科研究、核能科学与工程等。本刊被SCI-E、CA、SA、CSCD等数据库收录。 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》是中国核学会会刊,由国内外核研究领域的著名科学家组成编委会。它刊登理论、实验和应用核物理,放射化学和辐射化学,核测量方法和仪器,核能与石材料科学、生命科学、农业、地球和环境科学方面的应用,是中国在核研究领域中的一份英文期刊。发表的论文为国际六大著名检索期刊中的五个所收录。
数据收录:CSSCI 南大核心期刊(中文社会科学引文索引)(含扩展版),北大核心期刊(中国人文社会科学核心期刊),CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版),统计源核心期刊(中国科技论文核心期刊),知网收录(中),维普收录(中),万方收录(中),EI 工程索引(美),CA 化学文摘(美),
1.AIM AND SCOPE:The aim of Nuclear Science and Techniques (NST) is to stimulate cross-fertilization of knowledge among scientists and engineers working in the fields of nuclear research. NST publishes theoretical and experimental studies in all aspects of nuclear science and technology.
2.Research articles should be comprehensive reports of original, significant, and complete results or conclusions.
3.Reviews should be concise, complete, critical evaluations of the existing state of knowledge on a particular facet of science or technology within the scope of the journal and are written only at the invitation of the Editorial Board.
4.Colloquium Papers are reports of scientific colloquia held under Academy auspices.
5.Title: Titles should be no more than three typeset lines (generally 135 characters including spaces) and should be comprehensible to a broad scientific audience.
6.Author affiliation: Include department, institution, and complete address, with the ZIP/postal code, for each author. Use superscripts to match authors with institutions.
7.Introduction: The Introduction should provide a statement outlining the motivation for the research and should accurately place the investigations in context with previous or current work in the field.
8.References: References must be in NST style. Only published or in-press papers and books may be cited in the reference list. Unpublished abstracts of papers presented at meetings or references to ‘‘data not shown’’ are not permitted. Each literature reference should be assigned one number and placed in the text as a superscript ;numeral.
普刊,不论哪个网站收录的期刊渠道都很多。多问问,多查阅,问清楚收录,刊期等。 渠道千千万,选择只一条。
投过好几个同类型的期刊,都是直接拒稿,一两月没消息,审稿机会都不给。同档次的《Nuclear Science and Techniques》期刊给审稿了,一个星期就发消息告诉我怎么修改而且写的很 详细。效率高,不排外。必须赞一个!
期刊发表咨询服务,1-3天快速下单, 1-3月即可见刊!