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On the Problems and Resolution of the Use of Non-Native Languages
来源:互联网 sk012 | Zhang Huaisen
【分  类】 文化研究
【关 键 词】 Non-native languages, asymmetrical, symmetrical, power, solidarity, politeness.
【来  源】 互联网
【收  录】 中文学术期刊网

  II. 3. Power. Those who learn and use the non-native languages have a strong inclination to follow the main flow of the world. The reasons by which they learn and use the non-native languages are complicated. The language they learn perhaps is a common international language in the world or the extensive-used language in a country. The circumstances they live or work in require them to learn and use the language, such as the places or cities of international political affairs, foreign affairs, conferences, foreign trades; or centers of a country with many races and their various languages. Many people and nations like to choose English as an international language in the world. Yet Chinese is chosen by the central government of China. Maybe the Koreans complain that no country or people will choose Korean as an international language, or the Dutch people complain that no country or people choose Dutch as a common language in the world, or the Manchu people complain that no race likes to choose Manchu as the national language in China. Maybe they will think there is an unequal or asymmetrical relationship between the chosen languages and the unselected languages. Or it can be called a power relationship. In fact, in history, many languages once experienced the similar choices. In ancient China, Chinese was a powerful language, but many powerless languages of less popular races were abandoned by the races themselves, including the languages of the ruling classes in the dynasties of the Northern Wei and Manchu governing China. In ancient Europe, Latin was a power language. When US became independent, English was a power. In foreign language education in China in 1950s, Russian was a power and the first foreign language, because USSR had advanced science, technology and industries, had a good relation with China, but in USSR, Chinese was not chosen as the first or even a major foreign language in their education; and in 1980s and 1990s, English is a power, because the English-speaking countries and their fellow countries have good relations with China, they have advanced sciences and high technology and developed industries, but in those countries , their governments do not choose Chinese as their first or major foreign language in their schools and colleges. All the reasons that make a language to be a common one come from the popularity, economy, military, politics, culture, education, or the level of civilization of the race or the nation. From appearance, it is unequal and asymmetrical. In fact, it is an unchangeable inclination; it shows the development of the society and its language. If the race or the nation develops quirkier or stronger than others, and becomes a power in politics, military, economy, or population, etc., maybe her language will also become a power. Now along with the quick development in China, Chinese is learned and used more often in the world, it become more powerful than ever. Many languages in a district, a nation, or in the world have a distinctive position just as the tu-vous (T/V) distinctive position in French.

  III. Suggestions. In order to solve the problems brought by the psychological barriers of the non-native languages, such as dislike, hatred, opposition or depression, to communicate equally, politely and friendly, the governments, teachers, learners and users should recognize the importance of culture respect and mutual understanding. They must know the cultures' differences, and accept them. The native languages are the centers of the native cultures. All the government and teachers should love and respect both the native and the non-native cultures. They should often encourage the learning and use of languages of the opposite sides, and see the development of each language with pleasure.

  If they are also the native speakers, the teachers enjoy the native cultures and languages with the learners and users. If they come from abroad, the teachers do not have the common or same cultures and languages with the learners and users, they should try to learn to speak the native languages, so as to communicate with the natives efficiently and easily.

  If they teach the non-native languages among the natives, the non-native teachers should try the team-teaching methods, such as class, or more than one class can be combined to use the mass circumstances and effectiveness.

  If their old generations once hurt the feelings of the natives, did robberies, invasions, seizure, and butchery of people, the foreign teachers should know how to apologize to the learners, users and the natives.

  When the teachers want to solve learners' different degrees attained and different attitudes towards the non-native languages, the methods of peer teaching and communication can be used. Perhaps these methods can be more efficient.

  The teachers can also use other methods as the use of curricular materials that reflect the cultural backgrounds of the natives, the establishment of the bilingual corner stocked with magazines, fiction, biographies, and audiovisual materials in the school library or classroom, or reference room for the learners and users, the development of the bilingual speaking corner both for teachers and learners and users, and others like talk shows, story or poem parties, play shows, communications on computers , and so on.

  IV. Conclusion. If teachers demonstrate a sincere interest in the native learners and users and attempt to help and improve their abilities of communication in non-native languages with them, it will help develop and increase the willingness to learn and use. This can only lead to more effective teaching, more successfully learning in the bilingual classroom, more symmetrical use of native and non-native languages. The symmetrical bilingual use will become mutually polite use and communication in non-native languages in all the situations.


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《艺境》创刊于1995年,由山西艺术职业技术学院主办的综合性学术期刊。曾用名:艺境(山西艺术职业技术学院学报)。 《艺境》以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和...
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